We know that in reaching specific groups of students, it’s most effective and robust to plant ministries specific to their context. That’s why we have strategic ministries in InterVarsity. Here in the cities, we’re grateful for Black Campus Ministries, Athletes InterVarsity, Nurses Christian Fellowship, and Greek IV. Check us out!

Black Campus Ministries

Black students from the University of Minnesota and campuses beyond gather each week for Bible study, prayer, community, worship, and real discussions and support about what life is like as a Black student on campus. And, each February right here in the Twin Cities, we host a regional conference just for Black students to grow in their faith. Whether you are a student at the U, or a Black student at a campus nearby, we'd love to see you at BCM. And, if you're a faculty or community partner, let us know how you'd like to partner!

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Athletes InterVarsity

We know that college athletes have demanding schedules, and we also know that there is a tight team community that can cultivate some of the most vibrant Bible studies and faith communities. Athletes InterVarsity is currently present at Hamline University and St. Olaf College, and if you want to bring this ministry to your campus, let us know. We're happy to partner with you to transform athletes, renew college athletics, and change the world.

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Nurses Christian Fellowship

Nurses Christian Fellowship is a unique branch of InterVarsity's ministry, providing robust spiritual development both for students training to be nurses and current professional nurses. If you're a student, we'd love to help you start NCF on your campus. Currently, we have NCF groups at Bethel University, Crown College, University of Northwestern - St. Paul, Normandale Community College. Find some nursing friends in your cohort, connect with a Christian nursing faculty, and cultivate a faith community that works with your schedule and your specific needs in the nursing field.

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Greek InterVarsity

Can you be Greek and Christian? We think so. Join a group of students at the University of Minnesota from fraternities and sororities across the UMN campus for weekly time in Christian community, asking real questions and seeking out how Jesus makes a difference in our lives. We love what it means to be Greek, and we want you to experience Jesus' goodness in the midst of the Greek system.

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